This is life

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


So, our high school youth group-Ignite-has been redefined in 2006...and has been introduced to the world wide web. I have to say, I think our website is awesome. Brittany worked really hard on it!! Our Tuesday nights will now run a little bit more like a magazine show-so every week we will have certain components. First, as always, pizza and chat time, followed by THE HOT SEAT-where one lucky person sits each week and gets drilled with rapid fire questions, all while wearing a sombrero. Then we have BEHIND THE MUSIC-a review of a Christian band/cd. Basically, one person will be given a cd to take home and listen to over the week. They have to listen to the entire cd and then rate it and answer a few q's about it-just like their fave song on the cd and it's theme, key lyrics, how it impacted them, how it relates to them, and a verse/passage in the bible it relates to. Pretty sweet, eh? Then we have a God talk and who knows what after'll probably change weekly. But those things are our definites.

Middle School youth-DV8-has also been revolutionized to focus more on the word. It's more about God now than ever, so that's awesome. We have some fun stuff too and will definitely be using THE HOT SEAT, but no website to speak of yet...still thinkin on that one. This month we are doing a series of testimonies. So, hopefully the kids will be able to relate and be challenged in their daily lives to live for Christ.


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