This is life

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Christmas Shopping

So I made a decision this year to buy only fair trade and/or "giving" gifts, and I want to encourage you to do the same as much as possible. Fair trade is more popular in the UK than in America, I realize, but I bought several fair trade gifts from The Hunger Site (breastcancersite, rainforestsite, etc) that are really great gifts. I know that if you search online you can find places to purchase fair trade gifts it's super easy to just make the purchase from your computer and have it shipped to you...don't have to deal with the crowds or lines or anything. I got in a shipment from Traidcraft in England, and the things I purchased are so great-great quality and beautiful items-I think I'm going to have trouble parting with some, and may have to order a couple of things for myself. The reason I find it so important to buy fair trade is because of the way it supports less fortunate people by allowing them to actually use their talents and abilities to produce a great product, which is bought at a fair trade value, and the workers are able to be paid fairly and build a better future for themselves. What a great way to spend your money! When I said "giving" gifts earlier, I was referring to those gifts that you are able to purchase through World Vision or other organizations that are given to a child or family in need...such as a goat, some chickens, sending a child to school for a year, child immunizations, clean water, fruit trees, etc. There are many, many options and many different levels of cost, so you are able to spend what you want. It is INCREDIBLE what a difference these gifts make in these peoples lives. We are all so blessed and well taken care of, so I encourage you as you purchase gifts this Christmas, to really consider giving gifts that will help others, rather than gifts that will just sit at someone's house or be of no real use, just for the sake of giving a gift. This is one way that we can be of help to people in need.


At 3:56 AM, Blogger Lindsey Nicole said...

Hey, thanks for posting! Great to hear from you. I laughed out loud just now when I read about Goldie...those truly were the good old days. From time to time I think about the night we followed that poor girl around and turned our lights off to freak her out-what mean kids we were! But funny. Remember singing mmmbop and how bizarre!!! Sitting at sonic jamming to the tunes while we downed our drinks or ice creams. Good times.


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