This is life

Monday, November 07, 2005

Rear Ending

So on Tuesday my friend April was rear-ended when getting onto the Motorway. It's really crazy busy in the morning, lots of traffic, and the lady behind her hit her and then waved her on. She went on and then wasn't able to get the woman's info, which was unfortunate. So that was bad day #1. On Wednesday morning as she headed to work a different way, (wanted to stop by Starbucks) a car a couple of cars ahead of her had to quickly stop, and then the one in front of her quickly stopped, and she wasn't able to stop in time-so she rear-ended that car, which then hit the one in front of it. The front car had like no damage, the second had a little I believe, and hers was totalled. Her car is the car I used to drive, affectionately known as Darla. It's sad to know that Darla is now dead. Anyway, there are many other details involved that made the whole thing even worse, and poor April was pretty distraught about it all. She's only been here like a month and a half, and driving in the UK is quite an adjustment. It can be stressful, especially with the RIDICULOUS amounts of traffic. So anyway, back to Wednesday. She spent a lot of time on the phone with insurance trying to get everything worked out. Our secretary, Penny, got her lined up with a different car to use the following day. So we left work that afternoon and she was riding with me. We were in the car driving along talking about her last two days of suckiness. She was talking about how she has NEVER in 9 years of driving, had any kind of accident. Perfect record. So we're chatting away and we come up to the roundabout. There is one car in front of me and I'm looking to the right to see when it's clear for us to go. Well, it's clear, so I'm thinkin the guy in front goes ahead, and I give a little gas. But no, he hadn't moved. So I love tapped him. I mean I barely touched the guy. But let me say that I started laughing hysterically! Both of us did, because it was just so ridiculously funny! I mean, come on! How could that happen?? It's just plain funny, you gotta laugh. When choosing between laughing and crying, I choose laughing. Release some endorphins and feel better!


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