This is life

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So our main source of entertainment over the last few weeks has been THE COWS. The interesting thing about them is that sometimes you don’t see them for so long and then suddenly you see them on a daily basis for the next month. They are vagabonds. Our first big “encounter” with them was a few weeks ago at about 10:30 at night when we were in bed going to sleep, but not asleep yet. Well, my housemate Kara and I have moved our mattresses into the lounge so we can sleep there because that room is much warmer and it is winter now so the nights are super cold, and obviously we do not have indoor heating systems here. So we hear this extremely loud running noise-many feet, not just one set, crazily stampeding around our house/in our yard. Well, we think some people are trying to invade our house and are about to fly through the door or window and rob us or something crazy, because this is definitely not a normal noise…and we are both super scared at this moment-so Kara is under her blanket shivering in fear and I start screaming TWINS!! TWINS!! Because of the 16 year old british twins that are the daughters of our principal-whom often play practical jokes on us and run down the stairs to our house, etc. and I knew the noise was not made by just ONE person…so to me, this made sense. Also, the screaming would, in my mind, let the criminals that I truly believed were outside (I didn’t completely think it was the twins, I thought we were gonna get robbed) know that we were in fact awake and ready for them-so they couldn’t just barge in on us without us knowing. Does this make sense? Anyway, kara’s like “Lindsey, shut up!!” Because she is so scared, but I am convinced, in my fear, that this will definitely keep the people out! I also was yelling for our third roommate Julie to come into the lounge because I thought she should probably be in the “safe” lounge with us at this time. So she comes running in and jumps on the beds with us. Then the noise stops and we just sit and wait to see if it’s really done. Finally, we go to sleep. Next morning we leave the house to go to school and we see CRAZY HOOF PRINTS everywhere!! All over in our little garden. Apparently the cows stampeded through our yard, but it is a mystery has to how they got in and out because there are gates on both sides!!
Then a few days later we are asleep and it is 3:30 a.m. and Kara and I both hear a MOO so loud that we actually wake up and say “Did you hear that? Was that a cow?” We wait a second to confirm and, yes, there it is again-a second extremely loud moo. Are the cows living outside of our window?? We do not know.
A few days later we are jogging down this one road and we encounter 3 cows, but we don’t know if it’s safe to pass them or if they’ll get upset with us or what…so we walk past. Then we get to another road on the other side of the little valley, and encounter 3 more cows that are in our way as we jog. Weird.
A few days later we are standing outside at the school during break time and we see this massive herd of cows running up the road and several minutes later a huge tractor comes down the road and chases the cows down the hill that they were just running up like 40 seconds earlier. We laughed a lot at that one. Watching the cows run up and down the hillside road is quite funny.
So goes life in The Bu. We have weird, abnormal things happen pretty much daily. Always an adventure, that's what we say here. Nothing is ever a surprise. It's such a strange and unique place and culture.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger POP said...

Well, at least it wasn't elephants!


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