This is life

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lots to say...

So for days I’ve wanted to write something, but haven’t had the chance….so now that I finally do have a free minute I feel like I have loads to say. I’ll try to keep it fairly concise though and stick to the highlights. Let’s see…we’ll start with last Thursday. It wasn’t the greatest day of my life and by the time the evening came, all I wanted to do was watch Felicity. So I’m watching Felicity and Kara starts watching too…and we decide that all we feel like doing that evening is watching Felicity-so we figure we should probably have a slumber party at Kara’s that night-me, Candice, and Kara. Well…suddenly we have this major storm with thunder like you have never ever heard in your life and we think we’ll probably have a blackout. So far in the Bu we have lost electricity a few times during storms, but it always comes back on soon enough (except for at the school where we can go days or weeks without electricity sometimes). But this is a pretty hefty storm, so we decide that there is a good chance we may really have a blackout. All of the sudden Cathi is at our house and she’s taking Candice away to her house and Kara has to go home because Brian is coming to cook dinner for her and Gennie and everyone is leaving me!!! I do not want to be home alone at night with a possible blackout in the major storm. So I go with Candice and Cathi, but on the way we pick up Brian, who is walking to Kara’s in the crazy rain, and drop Kara and Brian off at the house. Well, we come back about an hour and a half later to spend the night and Brian is still at the house and dinner has not been cooked yet (it’s like 8:30 now) because it turns out the girls have no gas because someone else ran out of gas and borrowed their tank. Brian cannot cook the chicken. The gas tank finally returns, dinner gets cooked, and they eat at 9. Sometime during all of this we did lose the power and then lived the rest of the evening by candlelight and with a couple of little lanterns. It was awesome. I’m not being sarcastic, it really was. We had a blast. We ended up watching Felicity until the power in my laptop ran out. Then I fell asleep on the couch because I was so tired. It was a late night. Friday we were all super tired, but in the afternoon my friends from England came and picked me up and I went to Joburg with them for the weekend.


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