This is life

Monday, September 25, 2006

Life In The Bu

It’s Saturday evening and I am sitting on the couch, typing emails on my laptop. I just heard some singing from outside…sounded like praise. So I walked over to the window and looked up to the road behind our house and there I saw several teenagers (one American, the rest Swazi) who have been out and about riding their bikes…now taking a quick break to sing “Jesus Lover of My Soul” to our heavenly Father. Praise God for them. They seem to have their priorities straight. This is not something a person would normally encounter, but things are different in The Bu. Pretty sweet. The American girl is about 14 or 15 and her parents are missionaries here. What an interesting life…to be raised by your parents in a country such as this.
Anyhow…today has been extremely uneventful. I think many of my Saturdays will be like this. I am so worn out and tired by the end of the week that Saturday has to be a chill day for me it seems. Last weekend was nice and relaxing…and this one has followed the same structure. Sleep in…do some aerobics….eat some food…take some washing up to the lodge…type emails…prepare for school next week. Very calm. We had a super fun Friday night though. We (Candace and I) had the 3 American girls (Julie, Kara, and Gennie) and another South African girl called Jackie, who lives with the other 3 girls, over for dinner and a LOST marathon and slumber party. We had decided on it earlier this week. We began watching LOST season 1 last week and it is extremely intriguing…but quite creepy too. This is why we had a slumber party-girls do not want to walk home in the extreme dark after watching LOST. There are no lights in Bulembu on the roads or anywhere outside I guess…so it’s incredibly dark. The sky is pretty amazing at night though. I’ve NEVER seen so many stars in all my life. Anyhow, back to Friday night…Candace and I made a carbolicious meal consisting of some FANTASTAIC garlic bread, two types of potatoes, mixed veg, and chicken sausages. Then we started the marathon. I fell asleep during the 3rd episode we were watching, so was ready to call it quits then. But Kara and Gennie said “I thought this was a marathon!!” So I tried my hardest to stay awake for some more. Well, 8 EPISODES LATER we called it good and went to bed. 8 stinkin episodes. That’s crazy. I was totally falling asleep during the last and maybe the 7th as well. So, we went to bed at 3 a.m. Wow. I go to bed at 10 normally. 9:15 Thursday night actually. I was one tired little girl…so I slept til 11 today!! Amazing. The girls made french toast for breakfast, but I was totally out so I missed the whole thing. They saved me some.
Turns out tomorrow I get to leave the Bu for the day and go to South Africa!! We are going to Nelspruit to pick up a team of 10 coming from Capetown. They are from the same church as my roommate Candace. They will be here for the week, but I don’t know what they’re doing actually. We have teams in and out. There is another team in from America this week, but I haven’t seen any of them. So I’m really excited to go to Nelspruit because they have REAL grocery stores there and other stores too!!!
That’s about it for now. Have a blessed day!


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