This is life

Monday, July 17, 2006

Soakin up the sun

Well...we have been busy girls. Let's see...went to the ancient city of Pompeii with Paul (Australian hottie) Saturday and it was really great. I mean, it's a pretty amazing place. I don't know if you know the history at all or not, but Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79 and basically covered Pompeii and all the inahbitants. So the city was pretty well preserved, and then excavated I think in the 1800's or so. Anyway, it's really quite big and fascinating. When they were excavating they found bodies that were covered in the hardened ash and even the expressions on their faces were preserved, so they poured plaster of paris into the cavities and were able to capture the positions and expressions of the people. It's kind creepy, but also pretty awesome. Paul acted as our tour guide and led us around with the map. It was really HOT though, so we didn't see absolutely everything, but we did spend a few hours there. Yesterday we went to the Isle of Capri which I absolutely loved and would like to visit again later. I would love to rent a boat there (which you can do) and a scooter to ride around on. It's so beautiful!!! We mostly soaked up the sun on the beach, which was really nice and relaxing! Last night we were in Sorrento walking around thinking about finding a restaurant and then we ran into this girl Laura that Nikki had met at the hostel in Rome, so we went to dinner together and then randomly were seated next to these 2 American girls that I had seen at Capri but hadn't talked to. I noticed them on Capri because they were reading Rick Steve's guide to Italy and were clearly American. So we sat by them and I said "weren't you at Capri today, I saw you there...." and they were so precious. Twenty years old and studying in florence for 6 weeks this summer. One is from Dallas and was just the cutest thing, reminded me of Nikah actually. They had some good travel stories and stuff, so we ended up hanging out with all these girls in a piazza in Sorrento until after 11-there was live music and folk dancing going on in the square for some festival. Then we caught the last bus back to the hostel. Today we are gonna go soak up some more sun at Amalfi. Good times!!


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