This is life

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Da Vinci Code

I don't know how you feel about The Da Vinci Code, but I personally do not enjoy ANYTHING that blasphemes Jesus in any way. I love Jesus, I live for and because of Jesus, and I cannot stand it when anyone desecrates or mocks Him, because to be honest, it offends me. I have not and will not read this book or see this movie because I personally believe that it is a waste of my time and money. I do not believe that I need to be familiarized with it in order to defend my God or my faith. I don't see it as as a "tool" that will help me share the good news of Jesus Christ. Your thoughts on this may be entirely different. In any case, I wanted to share an essay that I just read regarding DVC. If you are familiar with C.S. Lewis, then you have probably heard of or read one of his books called "Screwtape Letters." This essay is titled "Screwtape on The Da Vinci Code" and is written as a letter from Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood. It is quite an interesting thing to read in this format, but probably much more so if you have read "Screwtape Letters." It's a bit long, but highly provocative.

There is also an interview with Eric Metaxes about his essay on RELEVANT magazine's website.

If you are able to read either or both of these, I would love to hear your thoughts.


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