This is life

Monday, August 15, 2005

Good times

This weekend was full of good times! Pete came down to visit for the weekend, so he got here around noon Saturday and left Sunday night at 8. Unfortunately, he was feeling sick all weekend, but he still wanted to come down. We had a great time despite his feeling yucky. On Saturday the Millisors (awesome fam from church) called and asked me if I wanted to go to Mary Poppins-the musical- that night. I saw it with Megen a few months ago and LOVED it, so I really wanted to go...but I said Pete was coming over, so I couldn't go. But LeeAnne (Mrs. Millisor) said they would see if they could get enough tickets cause her husband Dan was on the phone getting tickets at that moment. So they got the tickets and we were able to go, their treat!!! So it was the Millisor family-Dan and LeeAnne and their 2 teenage kids Kristen and Eric, and then Emily Mellgard whom I live with, and Pete and me. We went to dinner first at the Texas Embassy-which actually has really good Mexican food and awesome atmosphere. I love that place! Then to the musical which was FANTASTIC! It's so magical and happy! It was the last big fun thing for the Millisors because today they are flying back to the states today(Cincinatti, Ohio); their time here is finished.
Sunday was really nice and chill. Went to church in the morning, then Pete and I went to a Nepalese restaurant called The Sherpa Kitchen. It is sooooo stinkin good. Great great great food and really good prices. Also nice atmosphere, very clean and well presented food. Pete and I both get really excited about food, so we fully enjoyed ourselves. Then we went for a long walk in the heath and got a little lost wandering around-I don't have the greatest sense of direction apparently. But it was good and we found our way back easily enough. After that we played 2 games of ping-pong which I WON. I won both!! Close games though. Pete's probably better than me, but I think I got lucky. Watched some Top Gun and realized how many cheeseball moments that movie has, but I will still always love it. I don't even really understand half of what's going on with the flying and the bogies and everything, but that's cool. And then Pete left and our weekend of fun ended.
This morning was the first morning of Vacation Bible School. I got to do a puppet skit! I have never done puppets before, so it wasn't the greatest puppet work ever, but it got the point across and the kids seemed to enjoy it. And we sang lots of little fun kid songs, yay! It's a beautiful day outside, gorgeous weather. Hope everyone else has nice weather too! May God's love encompass you this week through your surroundings and friends and life happenings!


At 5:42 AM, Blogger Lindsey Nicole said...

I think "injury" is a bit extreme. But yes, you still hold the title of champion for the time being.


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