This is life

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Perfect Moments...

This morning at our bible study with the kids we were discussing sort of like hard times we go through-and perserverence type stuff. But the first question in the study was about moments that you just want to freeze and keep forever. There are bits of time; moments that can hold so much in them for a person for whatever reason. I have like a bazillion of these moments because God has SO blessed me!! Some of them are when I am alone-just me and the Lord, some are with family, with friends, in various cities or countries. One of these moments was when I went backpacking a few weeks ago-on the first morning I got up and left the tent and was walking when I noticed the sheeps faces on the hillsides, just these dots of white I could see from a distance-the sheep were still all laying down. Anyway, I felt such peace and serenity because I was surrounded by the field we were camping in and then these massive green hills and a blue civilization, no noise, and not a care in the world. Incredible. Another was just having lunch with my brother over Christmas break last year...just sitting at Jason's Deli visiting with him was so so good after not seeing him for so long, and not ever really getting quality time just the two of us. Another was last week in Switzerland after Pete and I had hiked up to the top of this mountain. There was a bench sitting on what seemed like the edge of the world, and he went to sit down and check out the view of the lakes down below, but I was afraid because it was quite close to the edge and I do not like heights...but I went and sat down and it was a perfect moment. The view was unbelievable and it was like being in a dream. I wish this picture could do it some justice, any at all, but it CANNOT. This so doesn't capture it, but it's all I've got!


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