This is life

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Churfirstenblick, Flumserberg, Switzerland

Got back from Switzerland Monday afternoon after a full week there. It was an amazing week that I cannot sum up with words. I wish I could, but as always, it's just so hard to paint a picture of what my eyes saw, or my heart felt, or even what God taught me and showed me in my life. All I can say is that Switzerland is incredibly beautiful, the Alps are truly majestic and so different from many other mountains I have seen. There were fields of wildflowers in yellow, orange, and purple mixed with the green green grass. There was a massive lake at the bottom, which we visited a couple of times and took a boat ride from place to place. There were sharp peaks that looked so powerful and some that were more peaceful and welcoming in appearance. But pictures can't do anything for the reality of the beauty-gotta see it yourself! The massiveness and depth and colors are lost in pictures.
I played a lot of ping-pong, learned a couple of notes on the guitar-had to cut off my nails :-(
did a lot of walking, talking, and praising God. We visited Liechtenstein and a town in Austria on a very beautiful, sunny day. It was a pretty chill holiday for the most part, which was exactly what I needed. I met a really nice guy named Pete Hills. He is awesome! We got to hang out a lot and get to know each other, which was super great. His parents were there as well and they are fantastic too! So I will be seeing him this weekend :-).
God taught me more about him through the people I was with and through his beautiful creation. How anyone can look at this incredible world and not praise their father in heaven-the designer behind it all-is beyond me. My excitement and love for Jesus was renewed and strengthened! It was just an amazing week really. And now it's back to real more holidays for a while!


At 7:27 AM, Blogger Rosemary said...

Sounds awesome!!
You must have been with Oak Hall - I have just booked to go on exactly the same trip this coming August and I cannot wait!! Counting down the months already! Mountains always make me want to praise God, and this hotel looks to be in the most amazing location possible! Praise the Lord! :)


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