This is life

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I haven't posted in a while....I think about it often, but never find the time. Plus I haven't really done anything super exciting lately I guess. But life is good. In fact, it's great. What's been going on in my life lately? Well, last week was great. Tuesday night for Ignite we had a coffeehouse night at Starbucks, with a guest musician. PW Gopal was our musician and he is from Ohio, but originally Sri Lanka. He has an incredibly powerful voice, which sounded to me like a mix between Bebo Norman and Jeremy Camp. Awesome. You can check him out at He's also a Young Life guy. Wednesday the Mellgard's left town (went to Geneve for Rugby ISST's), so I had the house to myself until Saturday night. It was pretty cool. The house is massive, and it was kind of weird to be there all alone, but I wasn't there much. On Wed. night I had my Wed. night group over. Wednesday night group is a mix of people from St. Mary's church in Walton, Walton Baptist, Esher Baptist, and myself from ICC. There are about 10-12 of us usually. Right now we are going through a book about spiritual warfare. Anyway, I invited all of them over for a dinner party because I soooo love to cook for people and host. So 9 friends were able to come over and I made poppy seed chicken with rice. That is one fantastic meal. I also made a great dessert, Chocolate pudding cake, which interestingly enough does not have any chocolate pudding in it! It's great. Then Thurdsay and Friday I watched A LOT of basketball! It was ISST time, which is International Schools Sports Tournament. So our school held the basketball tournament. IT was awesome. We got 6th out of 12 teams. But rugby got 2nd out of 10 in Geneva!
The last couple of days have been great, I was able to get to bed early both nights and then get up at 6 and 6:30 the next mornings. This gave me time to spend a little while in The Word, get some good exercise, and enjoy a nice breakfast. I loved the last two mornings. Yesterday was really a nice day and I was able to open my sunroof on Darla!! I was so happy! I've never had a sun roof before, but now that I am in sunny England I do.
Today the staff had a big lunch together at our pastor Greg's house. It was all the staff, plus Greg and Chris's wives, and Dustin's friend Bill (who is in town visiting from Iowa). Anyway, we had salmon, burgers, hot dogs, soup, chips and dips, an amazing salad, chicken, shrimp, chocolate cheesecake, lemon tart, and the famous chocolate pudding cake. Too much food! Everything was fantastic though. We got to all hang out for a couple of hours. Great bonding time for the team! So I've had a great week. And things to look forward to...Megen and I are going to see Mary Poppins Thurdsay and then Friday I am off to Wales for the weekend!! Then the next Monday we go to Romania for a missions trip, and the following Friday Megen and I are headed to Paris and EuroDisney!!! Wow, I have a busy month ahead of me!


At 1:38 AM, Blogger Lindsey Nicole said...

Hey Torie, thanks for being my faithful blog reader!! I think you are the only one! I miss Macie! Send me pictures of that beautiful little precious thing. Mary Poppins is in the West End, yeah. It just opened in December and it's supposed to be amazing! I'm so excited!


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